Nastavení cookies
IVITAS, a.s.
Ruska 83/24
703 00 Ostrava-Vítkovice
Company ID: 25357255, TAX ID: CZ25357255
Phone: 420 597 317 317
Registered in the Commercial Register kept by the Regional Court in Ostrava, Section B, Entry 1453
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Our Team
Pavel Dostal
Chairman of the Board
Phone: +420 597 317 307
Mobile: +420 724 557 524
Martin Byrtus
Member of the Board, Head of Sales
Phone: +420 597 317 303
Mobile: +420 725 527 857
Lukáš Hanzel
Vice-Chairman of the Board, Head of Investments
Phone: +420 775 283 105
Mobile: +420 775 283 105
Daniel Valosek
Member of the Board, Technical Director
Phone: +420 597 317 347
Mobile: +420 725 057 977
Marek Hrkal
Project Manager
Phone: +420 597 317 312
Mobile: +420 724 561 012
Vladimir Venclik
Department Head - Detail Design
Phone: +420 597 317 349
Mobile: +420 774 480 757
Marcela Petrivalska
Phone: +420 597 317 325, 311
Mobile: +420 775 736 523
Zuzana Klasova
Office Manager
Phone: +420 597 317 317
Mobile: +420 597 317 317