Feasibility study for a new natural gas boiler room
Our long-time client CEZ Energeticke sluzby has enlisted our assistance in carrying out a feasibility study for a new boiler room construction at the production plant of a major food manufacturer. The study will assess two options for the implementation, commissioning and long-term efficiency of a new gas boilers that would operate on the manufacturer‘s premises for onsite steam production that’s required for their production process. The impetus for the study is a planned transition from coal to natural gas for fueling the boilers.
One option we will explore is the production of low-pressure steam for meeting the client’s technology requirements, without the addition of steam turbines. The other option is the production of high-pressure steam for the client’s technology, including a back-pressure turbine for the production of electricity.
The tasks that will be carried out by IVITAS designers and engineers include determining the number of boilers and their output, assessing CAPEX and OPEX (capital and operating costs), drawing up layouts for a gas boiler room and positioning all required technology, creating a simplified technology schema, and providing a full description of all technical parameters.
CEZ Energeticke sluzby chose us for this feasibility study due to our long-term experience in the design and engineering of gas boiler implementation to achieve required output and operational efficiency goals, together with our deep knowledge in the transition from coal to natural gas for a wide range of power generation equipment.